The consequences of Wisconsin, by @DavidOAtkins

The consequences of Wisconsin

by David Atkins

Digby noted earlier that, despite the press and the GOP jumping all over President's Obama's "gaffe" this morning that "the private sector is doing fine," the President is correct that the private sector would be doing much better but for the austerity-fueled anemia of the public sector. Predictably, Obama is walking back his remarks as we speak.

Well, here's Mitt Romney:

“[Obama] says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers,” he said. “Did he not get the message from Wisconsin? It’s time for us to cut back on government and help the American people.”
This is what it has come to. Direct attacks on some of the most popular professions in America from a candidate who is explicitly saying he wants to fire teachers and firefighters, while implicitly denying their identity as "American people."

This, even as the core of the President's argument that private sector growth has been dragged down by public sector austerity remains entirely accurate.

These are dark times.
