The old doctor's little white slip is showing. Again.

The old doctor's little white slip is showing.  Again.

by digby

Well, well well.  It looks as though you can take the libertarian out of the states' rightist, but you can't take the states' rightist out of the libertarian after all.  Here's the freedom lovin' Ron Paul, going back to his roots with a statement from just yesterday:
Is it treasonous to want to secede from the United States? Many think the question of secession was settled by our Civil War. On the contrary; the principles of self-governance and voluntary association are at the core of our founding. Clearly Thomas Jefferson believed secession was proper, albeit as a last resort. Writing to William Giles in 1825, he concluded that states:
"should separate from our companions only when the sole alternatives left, are the dissolution of our Union with them, or submission to a government without limitation of powers."
Keep in mind that the first and third paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence expressly contemplate the dissolution of a political union when the underlying government becomes tyrannical.

Do we have a "government without limitation of powers" yet? The Federal government kept the Union together through violence and force in the Civil War, but did might really make right?
You've just got to love that depiction of the civil war. Apparently, slavery is a fundamental American freedom.

But never let it be said that Dr Paul knew a thing about those white supremacist newsletters he put his name to.  And hey, even if he did, it was just a ploy to attract the racists into the libertarian fold.  He didn't mean it or anything.
