Comedy from the dark ages

Comedy from the dark ages

by digby

So a kid writes a letter to Maxim Magazine:

“I’m 17 years old and I’ve noticed that there has been a change in my father’s behavior. He spends too much time at the computer playing a war game. I’ve noticed how alone my mom feels. I just want my father to spend more time with my mom. What should I do? How can I talk to my father? I feel shame for him. Please help.”

And Pat Robertson, apparently a big reader of the Lad Mags, replied to the poor boy on his show:

“The romance is obviously going out of the marriage ...You know, it may be your mom isn’t as sweet as you think she is, she may be kind of hard-nosed. And so, you say it’s my father, he’s not paying attention to mom, but you know mom…..”

“A woman came to a preacher I know—it’s so funny. She was awful looking. Her hair was all torn up, she was overweight, and looked terrible…”

“And she said, ‘Oh, Reverend, what can I do? My husband has started to drink.’”

“And the preacher looked at her and he said, ‘Madam, if I were married to you, I’d start to drink too.’”

This is the crap I remember hearing when I was growing up, the joke inevitably being told by some less than perfect looking man with a far higher opinion of his sexual appeal than was warranted. The women were always to blame for "letting themselves go" or otherwise ... usually ... just getting older. It's time for this attitude --- and Pat Robertson --- to be retired once and for all.

Update: Ok, this really is funny, and I'm the butt of the joke:

@digby56 It was a kid named Maxim who wrote to Robertson, not some kid writing to Maxim Magazine:……
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) January 15, 2013
